How to Fix React Native Chime RNVideoView Displaying Over Other RNVideoView: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Fix React Native Chime RNVideoView Displaying Over Other RNVideoView: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustrating issue of React Native Chime RNVideoView displaying over other RNVideoView components? Well, you’re in luck! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to fix this pesky problem once and for all.

What’s Causing the Issue?

This usually happens when:

  • The zIndex of the RNVideoView component is not set correctly.
  • The component is not wrapped in a View with a defined height and width.
  • There’s a conflict with other components that have a higher zIndex.

Step 1: Check the zIndex

The first step in fixing this issue is to make sure the zIndex of the RNVideoView component is set correctly. The zIndex property determines the stack order of elements, so if it’s not set correctly, the RNVideoView component might end up displaying over other components.

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import { RNVideoView } from 'chime-react-native';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (

Step 2: Wrap the Component in a View

Wrapping the RNVideoView component in a View with a defined height and width can help contain it within its boundaries. This step is crucial in preventing the component from displaying over other components.

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import { RNVideoView } from 'chime-react-native';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (

Step 3: Identify Conflicting Components

Sometimes, conflicts with other components can cause the RNVideoView to display over other RNVideoView components. To fix this, you need to identify the conflicting components and adjust their zIndex accordingly.

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import { RNVideoView } from 'chime-react-native';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
        Conflicting Component

Step 4: Use Absolute Positioning (Optional)

In some cases, you might need to use absolute positioning to fix the issue. This involves setting the position property to ‘absolute’ and adjusting the top, left, bottom, and right properties to position the RNVideoView component correctly.

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import { RNVideoView } from 'chime-react-native';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues after following the above steps, here are some additional troubleshooting tips to help you fix the problem:

Troubleshooting Tip Description
Check the component’s backgroundColor Make sure the backgroundColor of the RNVideoView component is set to transparent or a color that doesn’t interfere with other components.
Verify the component’s elevation Ensure that the elevation property of the RNVideoView component is set correctly. A higher elevation can cause the component to display over other components.
Inspect the component’s layout Use the React Native debugger or a layout inspector tool to inspect the layout of the RNVideoView component and identify any positioning issues.


Fixing the React Native Chime RNVideoView displaying over other RNVideoView components issue can be a challenging task, but by following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to resolve the problem and get your app working smoothly.

Remember to check the zIndex, wrap the component in a View, identify conflicting components, and use absolute positioning if necessary. If you’re still experiencing issues, try the troubleshooting tips provided in this guide.

By following these steps and tips, you’ll be able to create a seamless video playback experience for your users and avoid the frustration of dealing with overlapping RNVideoView components.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Let’s dive into the most common issues and solutions for fixing React Native Chime RNVideoView displaying over other RNVideoView!

What is causing the RNVideoView to display on top of other views?

This issue often occurs when the z-index of the RNVideoView is not properly set. The default z-index of RNVideoView is very high, which causes it to display on top of other views. To fix this, you need to set the z-index of the RNVideoView to a lower value or adjust the z-index of the other views to a higher value.

How can I set the z-index of the RNVideoView?

You can set the z-index of the RNVideoView by adding the `zIndex` prop to the component. For example: ``. This will set the z-index of the RNVideoView to 1. You can adjust this value to a higher or lower number depending on your layout requirements.

What if I’m using a third-party library that sets the z-index automatically?

If you’re using a third-party library that sets the z-index automatically, you may need to adjust the z-index of the library’s container view instead. Check the library’s documentation to see if there’s an option to customize the z-index. Alternatively, you can try using a custom stylesheet to override the z-index of the library’s view.

Can I use the `elevation` prop instead of `zIndex`?

Yes, you can use the `elevation` prop instead of `zIndex`. The `elevation` prop is a built-in prop in React Native that controls the z-index of a view. However, keep in mind that `elevation` only works on Android, and on iOS, you’ll need to use `zIndex` instead.

What if none of these solutions work for me?

If none of these solutions work for you, try debugging your layout using the React Native debugger or a third-party library like React DevTools. This can help you identify the root cause of the issue and find a solution that works for your specific use case.

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