Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key – Key Vault Firewall Activation: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key – Key Vault Firewall Activation: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you struggling to activate the Key Vault firewall for Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key? Look no further! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of configuring the Key Vault firewall, ensuring the security and integrity of your data.

What is Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key?

Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key allows you to use your own encryption keys to protect your data. This feature provides an additional layer of security and control over your data encryption, giving you the flexibility to manage your encryption keys as per your organizational requirements.

However, to take full advantage of this feature, you need to activate the Key Vault firewall. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of activating the Key Vault firewall and provide you with a step-by-step guide to get you started.

Benefits of Key Vault Firewall Activation

Activating the Key Vault firewall provides several benefits, including:

  • Enhanced security: The Key Vault firewall adds an additional layer of security to your data encryption, protecting your data from unauthorized access.
  • Improved control: With the Key Vault firewall, you have more control over who can access your encryption keys, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access your data.
  • Compliance: Activating the Key Vault firewall helps you comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards for data encryption and security.

Prerequisites for Key Vault Firewall Activation

Before you can activate the Key Vault firewall, make sure you have:

  1. A Microsoft Azure subscription
  2. A Key Vault created in the Azure portal
  3. A Purview account with the necessary permissions
  4. A customer key created in the Key Vault

Activating the Key Vault Firewall

To activate the Key Vault firewall, follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to the Azure Portal

Log in to the Azure portal using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to the Key Vault

Navigate to the Key Vault resource in the Azure portal.'resource'/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/<key-vault-name>

Step 3: Select the “Firewalls and virtual networks” Option

Select the “Firewalls and virtual networks” option from the Key Vault menu.

Firewalls and virtual networks > Selected networks > Add existing virtual network

Step 4: Add the Purview Service IP Address

Add the Purview service IP address to the Key Vault firewall.

Step 5: Save the Changes

Save the changes to the Key Vault firewall configuration.


Verifying the Key Vault Firewall Activation

To verify that the Key Vault firewall is activated, follow these steps:

Step 1: Navigate to the Key Vault

Navigate to the Key Vault resource in the Azure portal.'resource'/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/<key-vault-name>

Step 2: Select the “Firewalls and virtual networks” Option

Select the “Firewalls and virtual networks” option from the Key Vault menu.

Firewalls and virtual networks

Step 3: Verify the Purview Service IP Address

Verify that the Purview service IP address is listed in the “Selected networks” section.

Troubleshooting Key Vault Firewall Issues

If you encounter any issues during the Key Vault firewall activation process, refer to the following troubleshooting tips:

Error Solution
Error: “Failed to add IP address to the Key Vault firewall” Ensure that the IP address is in the correct format and that you have the necessary permissions to modify the Key Vault firewall configuration.
Error: “Key Vault firewall activation failed” Check the Key Vault firewall logs for errors and verify that the Purview service IP address is correctly configured.
Error: “Purview service IP address not found in the Key Vault firewall” Verify that the Purview service IP address is correctly configured and that the Key Vault firewall is activated.


In this article, we’ve covered the steps to activate the Key Vault firewall for Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key. By following these instructions, you can ensure the security and integrity of your data and comply with regulatory requirements. Remember to troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the activation process, and don’t hesitate to reach out to Microsoft support if you need further assistance.

With the Key Vault firewall activated, you can now take advantage of the advanced security features of Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key, giving you more control over your data encryption and security.

For more information on Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key and Key Vault firewall activation, refer to the following resources:

  • Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key documentation
  • Key Vault firewall activation guide
  • Azure security best practices

By following these instructions and resources, you can ensure the security and integrity of your data and take advantage of the advanced features of Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key – Key Vault firewall activation!

What is Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key?

Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key is a feature that allows customers to manage their own encryption keys for data at rest. This means you have full control over the encryption, decryption, and access to your data.

What is the purpose of Key Vault firewall activation?

Key Vault firewall activation is a security feature that restricts access to your Key Vault to only specific IP addresses or ranges. This adds an extra layer of protection to your encryption keys and ensures that only authorized users and services can access them.

How does Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key work with Key Vault firewall activation?

When you enable Key Vault firewall activation, Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key uses the authorized IP addresses or ranges to access your encryption keys in Key Vault. This ensures that only requests from trusted sources can access your data, providing an additional layer of security and control.

What are the benefits of using Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key and Key Vault firewall activation?

The combination of Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key and Key Vault firewall activation provides enhanced security, control, and compliance for your data. It allows you to manage your own encryption keys, restrict access to authorized users and services, and ensure that your data is protected at rest and in transit.

Is Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key and Key Vault firewall activation suitable for highly regulated industries?

Yes, Microsoft Purview Service Encryption with Customer Key and Key Vault firewall activation is designed to meet the stringent security and compliance requirements of highly regulated industries, such as finance, healthcare, and government. It provides the necessary controls and protections to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive data.

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