The Mysterious Case of “Terminate Called After Throwing an Instance of ‘std::bad_weak_ptr'”: A Step-by-Step Guide to Debugging
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The Mysterious Case of “Terminate Called After Throwing an Instance of ‘std::bad_weak_ptr'”: A Step-by-Step Guide to Debugging

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon the infamous error message “terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::bad_weak_ptr'” in your C++ program. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This error can be frustrating, but with the right guidance, you’ll be able to tackle it in no time. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of weak pointers, explore the causes of this error, and provide a comprehensive guide to debugging and resolving the issue.

What is a Weak Pointer?

A weak pointer is a type of smart pointer in C++ that allows you to observe an object without taking ownership of it. It’s essentially a ” observational” pointer that doesn’t increase the reference count of the object it points to. Weak pointers are useful when you need to break circular dependencies between objects or when you want to create a ” caching” mechanism.

The Role of Weak Pointers in Modern C++

  • Weak pointers are essential in managing complex object graphs, where objects have multiple dependencies.
  • They enable the creation of ” caching” mechanisms, where objects can be stored and retrieved efficiently.
  • Weak pointers help prevent memory leaks by avoiding circular dependencies.

The Error: “Terminate Called After Throwing an Instance of ‘std::bad_weak_ptr'”

So, what happens when your program throws a “std::bad_weak_ptr” exception? Essentially, this error occurs when you attempt to access a weak pointer that has expired or has never been initialized. This can happen in several scenarios:

  • You’re trying to access a weak pointer after the object it points to has been destroyed.
  • You’re attempting to use a weak pointer that has never been initialized.
  • There’s a issue with the shared pointer that the weak pointer is tied to.

Debugging the Issue

To debug this error, you’ll need to follow a step-by-step approach. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Step 1: Identify the Source of the Error

The first step is to identify where the error is occurring. This can be done by:

  • Check the call stack to see which function is throwing the exception.
  • Use a debugger to step through your code and identify the exact line where the error occurs.

Step 2: Inspect the Weak Pointer

Once you’ve identified the source of the error, inspect the weak pointer to see if it’s valid:

std::weak_ptr<MyObject> wk_ptr = getWeakPtrFromSomewhere();

if (wk_ptr.expired()) {
    std::cout << "Weak pointer has expired!" << std::endl;

Step 3: Check the Shared Pointer

If the weak pointer is valid, check the shared pointer that it’s tied to:

std::shared_ptr<MyObject> sh_ptr = wk_ptr.lock();

if (!sh_ptr) {
    std::cout << "Shared pointer is empty!" << std::endl;

Step 4: Verify Object Lifetime

Verify that the object being pointed to is still alive:

MyObject* obj_ptr = sh_ptr.get();

if (!obj_ptr) {
    std::cout << "Object pointer is null!" << std::endl;

Common Scenarios and Solutions

Let’s explore some common scenarios that can lead to the “terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::bad_weak_ptr'” error:

Scenario 1: Weak Pointer Expired

In this scenario, the weak pointer has expired because the object it points to has been destroyed:

Code Explanation
std::weak_ptr<MyObject> wk_ptr = getWeakPtrFromSomewhere();
The weak pointer is being reset, which will cause it to expire.
std::shared_ptr<MyObject> sh_ptr = wk_ptr.lock();
The shared pointer is being reset, which will cause the weak pointer to expire.


Verify that the weak pointer is still valid before attempting to access the object:

if (wk_ptr.expired()) {
    std::cout << "Weak pointer has expired!" << std::endl;

Scenario 2: Uninitialized Weak Pointer

In this scenario, the weak pointer has never been initialized:

Code Explanation
std::weak_ptr<MyObject> wk_ptr; The weak pointer is declared but never initialized.


Initialize the weak pointer with a valid shared pointer:

std::shared_ptr<MyObject> sh_ptr = std::make_shared<MyObject>();
std::weak_ptr<MyObject> wk_ptr = sh_ptr;

Best Practices for Working with Weak Pointers

To avoid the “terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::bad_weak_ptr'” error, follow these best practices:

  • Always check the weak pointer for expiration before accessing the object.
  • Verify that the shared pointer is valid before using it to initialize a weak pointer.
  • Avoid using weak pointers as function parameters or return types.
  • Use smart pointers consistently throughout your codebase.


In conclusion, the “terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::bad_weak_ptr'” error can be frustrating, but with the right guidance, you can debug and resolve the issue efficiently. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to identify the root cause of the error and take corrective action. Remember to always follow best practices when working with weak pointers, and you’ll be well on your way to writing robust and error-free C++ code.

Final Thoughts

Weak pointers are powerful tools in modern C++, but they require careful handling. By understanding the underlying mechanics of weak pointers and following best practices, you’ll be able to harness their potential and write more efficient, scalable, and maintainable code. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::bad_weak_ptr'” error? Worry no more! We’ve got you covered with these 5 frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot and overcome this annoying issue.

What is a std::bad_weak_ptr and why does it occur?

A std::bad_weak_ptr is an exception thrown when you try to lock a weak_ptr that has already expired. This happens when the object it points to has been deleted, and you’re trying to access it through the weak_ptr. It’s like trying to open a door that no longer exists!

How do I fix a std::bad_weak_ptr error when using shared_ptr and weak_ptr?

To fix this error, make sure you’re not trying to access the object through the weak_ptr after it has been deleted. Use the lock() function to check if the weak_ptr is still valid before accessing the object. If the lock() returns an empty shared_ptr, it means the object has been deleted, and you should not try to access it.

Can I use reset() to fix a std::bad_weak_ptr error?

reset() can help, but it’s not a magic solution! Calling reset() on a weak_ptr will release its reference to the object, but it won’t fix the underlying issue. You still need to ensure that the object is not deleted before trying to access it through the weak_ptr. Think of reset() as a “reset” button, not a “fix-it-all” button!

How can I prevent std::bad_weak_ptr errors in the future?

To prevent std::bad_weak_ptr errors, always check the validity of the weak_ptr before accessing the object. Use the lock() function or check if the weak_ptr is empty before using it. Additionally, ensure that the object is not deleted while there are still weak_ptr references to it. By being mindful of these best practices, you’ll reduce the chances of encountering this error in the future.

Is there a way to catch and handle std::bad_weak_ptr exceptions?

Yes, you can catch and handle std::bad_weak_ptr exceptions using a try-catch block. Catch the std::bad_weak_ptr exception and handle it accordingly, such as by logging an error or performing a safe default action. However, it’s still important to address the underlying issue that caused the exception in the first place, rather than just catching and ignoring it.

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